Fix 0xc00000e9 windows Errors on your PC

How to Fix 0xc00000e9 Errors on your PC

Problem: 0xc00000e9 problems occur when the system is incorrectly configured or critical system files are missing. These problems happen when a PC is not maintained properly and should be fixed immediately to avoid further damage.

Solution: To repair 0xc00000e9 errors correctly, download and install the repair tool below. This tool was created to find and fix errors on your computer and ensure your system is running flawlessly.

Download 0xc00000e9 Repair Tool
Compatible: Windows 7 (32/64), Vista, XP, 2000 & 98
Notice!!!: The risk from not repairing this problem now could include; system crashes, blue screens, and hardware failure. To ensure your PC is working correctly, please follow the repair instructions below.
Easy Instructions to fix ” 0xc00000e9 Error”
(1) Download the repair tool
(2) Install and open the tool
(3) Scan & repair the found errors.

+++++++++  Background and Manual fix (not recommended) +++++++++++++++++
When your windows registry begins to develop problems, chances are that it will begin to show you 0xc00000e9 errors. It might not look like much, but this is a very major error with most OS, as it can prevent your computer from booting up. By the time your computer develops a 0xc00000e9, it will begin to churn out error messages, stating that there is a problem with the input/output interface. The normal way you begin to experience this problem is when your computer screen blacks out, and then you seen the lone message ‘0xc00000e9’ scrawled across. The additional message you see is that Windows could not boot your computer because the input output settings that are in the system aren’t loading as they should. The immediate result is that your computer would begin to run quite slow and with a distinct loss of efficiency. A lot of computer-related problems also begin to develop. The best way to take care of this problem is to treat the problems that lead up to the 0xc00000e9 error.

Ways to handle the 0xc00000e9 problem

You might need to perform a full cleaning of your computer’s registry. Furthermore, there is the need for you to ensure that your computer can read all the files required for optimum operation of all its components. Most times, this entails that the programs and files required for a successful start up be repaired and functional.
Thus, to fix this error, you need to ensure that you are able to fix the start up errors and problems that plague your computer, and also to clean out the windows registry and bring your computer to a perfect state.

Fixing the 0xc00000e9 error

To repair your computer, you will need to begin a start-up repair of the system. Here’s how to go about this:
  1. Reboot your PC. While the system is beginning to boot, put in the Windows installation disk, which you should have gotten beforehand. Make your computer boot form the disk. Once this is done, select the ‘startup repair’ option. Your computer should be able to perform the repair function on its own.
  2. Once you are done with this step, boot your computer in safe mode, and do a complete Driver update for Windows. The reason you should load up the system in safe mode is to prevent Windows from loading any drivers or software that may be the originator of the registry problems in the first place.
To load up in safe mode, here’s what to do:
  1. Reboot your PC again, and while it is loading, repeatedly press the “F6” key to enter into the setup options of your computer. In the boot options, ensure that you have highlighted and selected “Safe Mode with Networking”.
  2. Next, you should download and run the driver finder utility. This program would take care of the task of updating and restoring all the drivers in your system. When done, restart or reboot your PC.
Finally, all you need do is to clean the registry of the system. The registry acts as a database for your system, and stores important information on your PC. Generally, the way to clean the registry is to use the registry cleaner tool. This tool would make a scan of all items in your registry and fix all the errors. There are several registry cleaner tools available on the internet. A good recommendation for a registry cleaner tool is the Frontline Registry Cleaner.

If you follow the above procedures, you should have your computer effectively recovered from the 0xc00000e9 error in little or no time.


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